Gender equality is something that the UK continues to strive towards, but disparity of opportunity for women is still clear, a lack of senior roles for women in UK business and industry undermines our economy.However, gender roles are changing for both men and women in Britain and we must ensure equal opportunities for both sexes.Gender issues are not limited to the study of women but also extend to the prejudices faced by men in society.
We also explore issues around gender identity in the UK recognising that gender is not binary. We aim to tackle all forms of prejudice including gender discrimination. We want to highlight the benefits that diversity can bring.
We are seeking volunteers of all types to work with us. You can write, create a film or story, suggest ideas for new work and web content, agree to an interview or fundraise for us. You can help us by simply sharing the resources below to like minded friends and family by email or social media. Join us and help us create a truly GREAT BRITISH COMMUNITY.